I used to believe that the relationship I had with my creator matched up to the exact specifications of a mail order bride. He bought me at a damn expensive price, and now its time to work. It's time to serve. Cook, clean, pretend to enjoy this relationship with him. A slave. He looks at me, and bought me without even knowing me, just looking at the qualifications I had in my description. My description says I'm great at cooking, cleaning, ready to bear children, but who am I fooling? I am not ready for any of this. I simply sought acceptance at any price, and this was the route I chose. Knowing, because he bought me, I am now under his ownership. His property. I must obey everything he commands or else he'll get angry and give me his backhand. Is this my Creator? Is this my God? Is this my so called Father with an unconditional love?
It was all lies. The true God bought me at a damn expensive price yes, but not to work, but to be in an eternal rest. Rest not in terms of being lazy, but resting our restless hearts, knowing that everything is in His control for nothing is in my control. He bought me to enjoy me as His creation. Being a true bride of Christ is not in the sense of signing away your life but to be "one" in Christ. So I guess 1+1 really equals 1. Knowing that work is not really work but a joy. For His burden is light and His yoke is easy. He never asks me to do this, do that, but trust in Me. For I will do all the work in you, and through you. For you were created in My image to do good works that I have prepared for you in advanced. As I receive His love, receive Himself, this path of sanctification is truly amazing as scripture explains it to be. For I am His beautiful creation. His son. And He loves me, but most of all enjoys me.
I am His and He is mine.
I simply be and receive.
19We love because he first loved us.
-1 John 4:19
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