Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breakfast In Bed

I thought of something absolutely profound today. Doing good works in the Christian sense is like a 7 year old child wanting to make breakfast in bed for his or her mom's birthday. It's the kid's mom's birthday today. Let's say he has been receiving his mom's love since he was born and he continues to receive. Because of all the love and affections that he receives, he finally want's to do something nice for his mom. He decides to make her breakfast in bed. (I thought of this cause it's what I did when I was 7 for my mom's birthday) It's not out of obligation but pure enjoyment of who his mother is. He has received so much from his mom that he wants to give some back.

I really think at times, we don't give God enough credit. If we really thought about it, He does not need us. He created this universe perfectly, and beautifully all by Himself. We think that we have some sort of obligation to do things. It's not an obligation but a privilege and absolute joy. Imagine God wanting to show you a glimpse of His glory through You. You receive so much from Him that the gratitude that's been built up in your life, you finally want to release it. Through that release, in reality it's God bringing glory to Himself, but He shows it to us. He shows us how glorious He is. It's such an amazing blessing to serve others, or to give him praise. It's all from gratitude. Not obligation. Obligation leads to pride, which God sees as dirty, bloody tampons.

It's easier to do things for God rather than to trust Him.

Trust Him.

Ephesians 2:10

10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

As we learn to trust Him, He will leads us into every good work. He has prepared all of it. 



I was talking to a friend. She's so adorable, but what she said completely warmed my soul.

Here's the conversation in a nutshell-

Andrew: Rebecca, isn't it so amazing that we are God's children?

Rebecca: I know I'm His Princess.

We are his #1 sons and princesses of daughters. 

He loves us. 

We are His.

We are His children.


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