I think what's even more scary for me is works without faith.
Pastors stress faith without deeds is dead but never read Romans 14:23.
Romans 14:23
23But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.
The main point of this Pastor's sermon was to "fight sin". How do you fight sin? He said "I'm not telling you guys not to sin." but he contradicted himself by telling us to "fight sin" without actually telling us how. Initially, when any person hear's the saying "fight sin" their psyche immediately tells them to stay away from it. It's bad.
How is it to possible to stay away from sin or even, not sin? It's impossible. I've tried and failed miserably. It's like a constant battle with yourself. You beat yourself and no one wins. It's always a loss. How is it possible to live a victorious, joyful life if the battle is always against yourself?
Like I said. No one wins a battle with themselves.
Sin is the problem. There has to be a solution.
His name is Jesus.
His death and resurrection paid for every single sin, past, present and future.
Because of Love we have now been declared righteous by what we believe.
Hebrews 10:17
17Then he adds:
"Their sins and lawless acts
I will remember no more."
Understanding who God is and His character develops a deeper love for God. We continue to receive His love and we end up loving Him back. We fight sin by keeping our eyes on Jesus. He is the solution.
Think of a relationship with your significant other. Let's say your girlfriend hates something that you do. Would you the guy, keep doing it? I hope to my guy readers it's a no. I love my girlfriend enough that if she didn't like something I did, no matter how small or stupid it is, I would fulfill her request.
Because Jesus Loves me so much, I hate the one thing that keeps me away from Him. I desire to be with Him, that despite my short-comings, I know that I've been forgiven completely. When I fall, I look to Him. And He says, Andrew, I love you.
Don't focus on the problem.
Focus on the solution.
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