Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My iPod randomly turned to the song "The Remedy" by David Crowder Band. It's so good that it's been on repeat.

Here's a part of the song-

Here we are
Here we are
Bandaged and bruised
Awaiting a cure
Here we are

Here You are
Here You are
Our beautiful King
Bringing relief
Here You are with us

So we lift up our voices
And open our hands
Let go of the things 
That have kept us from Him

He is the one 
Who has saved us
He is the one
Who forgave us
He is the one who has come
And is coming again
He’s the remedy

Why is that we live sometimes thinking that we haven't been forgiven? Thinking that God is always displeased with us? "Our sins are too much" "How can God love me?" I hate it when Christians say that God is displeased with us because of our sins. If we look at scripture correctly, it says in Romans

Romans 6:23

23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord.

God is not only displeased with sin. He wants to kill us. Destroy us. That is how much He hates sin. But we always forget the refrain. "But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Because of this gift that was freely given, not earned you are now pleasing in His eyes. How can we live joyously if we always think that God is unhappy with us? 

Yes we sin. But we've been forgiven. As we continue to fix our eyes on Jesus, we don't focus on our imperfections, but the perfect Jesus. He is our remedy. I can't stop sinning. I've tried. But the most amazing thing is that Jesus never sinned. And His righteousness was passed onto me. I've done everything possibly wrong but this amazing gift from God is that He see's me like I've done everything right. That leads me to joy. That leads me to true repentance. True metanoia. Understanding my Father for who He is. I will never understand His ways till I go home. But for some insane reason, He wanted me enough that He would give up something most precious to Him. For Me. And You. 

Trusting Him is the most hardest thing to do. When He takes the reins of my life, He guides me to His Glory. 

I like it when He drives. I'm a pretty bad driver when it comes to driving my life. I try to take short cuts in life thinking I can get better at something but its all filled with potholes, debris, and junk. It takes forever for me to get to my destination. But when he takes the wheel, He takes the long, scenic route. No pot holes, no junk but an absolute smooth drive. I get to experience beauty and awe cause He knows the road best cause He made it. 

He's forgiven us.

For me, His love produces gratitude. Which makes me cling unto Him, which allows me to bear fruit. (John 15)

Let Him Drive. 

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